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Nina de Garis Davies (1881-1965)

Panoramica della collezione

Nina de Garis Davies was a British artist born in 1881. She was known for her paintings of Egyptian scenes and landscapes. Davies studied at the Slade School of Fine Art in London and later traveled to Egypt with her husband, Norman de Garis Davies, who was an Egyptologist. While in Egypt, she painted scenes of daily life, landscapes, and portraits of local people. Her work was exhibited in London and Paris, and she became a member of the Royal Society of British Artists. Davies also wrote and illustrated several books about Egypt, including "Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity" and " ...
Nina de Garis Davies was a British artist born in 1881. She was known for her paintings of Egyptian scenes and landscapes. Davies studied at the Slade School of Fine Art in London and later traveled to Egypt with her husband, Norman de Garis Davies, who was an Egyptologist. While in Egypt, she painted scenes of daily life, landscapes, and portraits of local people. Her work was exhibited in London and Paris, and she became a member of the Royal Society of British Artists. Davies also wrote and illustrated several books about Egypt, including "Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity" and "The Tomb of Nakht at Thebes." She died in 1965, leaving behind a legacy of beautiful and insightful depictions of Egypt and its people.

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